Editor's Note: All candidates were sent two questionnaires by the News + Record. The first asked general questions about candidates and their goals; the second asked office-specific policy questions.
Questions are indicated in bold, any question left blank was unanswered by the candidate.
How long have you lived in Chatham County?
35 Years
Age on election day:
Occupation (where you work, what you do):
PFM Propane/Owner
Campaign website/social media:
Facebook Peyton Moody for Commissioner
Editor's Note: Moody's campaign Facebook page could not be located online.
Party affiliation (even if your race is nonpartisan):
Current and previous elected offices held or sought & terms you served:
Campaign manager (if applicable):
Campaign treasurer (if applicable):
Why are you seeking this office?
To help sustain and improve our county in a positive way
What makes you the best candidate on the ballot?
Being a life long resident and business owner raising a family in the county with the knowledge to improve the area for all who live here and business’s wanting to move here
Give us a job description you’d write for yourself if you’re elected to this seat:
Be proactive instead of reactive to growth and other initiatives needed in the county. Remember the board is there to serve the people of the county
What three specific, measurable and attainable goals would you pursue if elected?
Tax reduction, putting county resources to work for the people, controlled growth
What are the biggest challenges in Chatham and/or N.C. right now — and how would you address them?
Law enforcement, school systems, uncontrolled growth. Put the entities in place to make each of these more successful. Use common sense to do what is best for the citizens
Chatham County is one of the fastest growing counties in the state. What do you see as the major challenges/opportunities coming from this growth and how would you address them?
Growth has to have the infrastructure to support it. this comes from great planning
What’s your overall view of the role of the elected body you’re seeking to join? Is it fulfilling its mission now? If not, what needs to change?
To run the “business” of the county while never forgetting we work for the citizens. We need to strive to meet all their needs. Currently this is not happening. No structure to new plans, they seem to have no regard for the desires of the people. ( On each side of the county)
Do you believe the 2020 Presidential election produced fair and legitimate results? (Please respond with a “yes” or “no” answer, then, if desired, you have 100 words to support your response.)
Political/government hero: Ron Desantis
Favorite book: Bible
Book most recently read: Good to Great
Favorite film: Home Alone
Hobbies: Golf
Community/civic involvement: Goldston Methodist Church. Gentlemen of America
Favorite thing about Chatham County: The land and people
Personal motto or one-line philosophy: God, family, country
Strongest childhood ambition: Be like my parents
Most significant life goal you’ve accomplished: My family
Chatham County historically faces large socioeconomic divides between the eastern and western sides of the county. What can be done to mitigate that divide, and how do you foresee County Commissioners aiding in that process?
This is something I believe needs a lot of attention. We are two drastically different counties in one. We need to start by acknowledging this first and foremost. A recent study citing Chatham as one of the wealthier counties in the state, also pointed out that if the county was divided into two counites, the western portion would be among the poorest counties in the state. To blend the two sides together we need to first consider the needs of each side. Using zoning as an example, in 2018 unwanted and unnecessary zoning was passed that affected folks in the western portion of the county. Now I understand that as one county there must be some symmetry, but to draw a line saying that everything in Chapel Hill or in the business park is what is best for the citizens of Bennett, is completely asinine. In my opinion the current board has not done their best to find the common ground that works the best for the county as a whole. Moving forward, I would work to represent every citizen of the county, regardless of what side they live in, and to make decisions based on what is best for the people of Chatham.
Increased development in the county has put strains on its stormwater and wastewater infrastructure. What can be done at a county level to ensure residents have access to sustainable and clean water sources?
We need to be better about consulting with professionals in areas that the county needs help in. While I know we just need a new wastewater report come out with many options, why didn’t we do this sooner? I feel now all attention needs to be called to this report so the board can make a decision to get started improving the situation at hand. While you can’t plan for everything and we can’t predict the future, better planning should have been in place considering the residential growth and industrial potential that has been in the works for a few years. And I feel that without a better plan in place, we soon will be fighting this same issue in other areas of our county. Siler City being a perfect example. The town barely has the water to operate now. We need to set partnerships in place to not only guarantee the citizens high quality, unlimited water. But also learn from our mistakes in areas like Briar Chapel preparing for the wastewater that will come from the infrastructure growth.
With major investments in the county from the likes of VinFast, FedEx and the CAM site, how do you believe the county should manage growth while ensuring the interests of existing residents are heard?
The coming growth is an exciting this for our area. But if we don’t control that growth and protect the citizens of the county, that growth quickly becomes scary. These investments should be bringing revenue from many different angles, all of which should benefit everyone in Chatham. While companies get incentives to build in an area, we still need to be capturing taxes and other revenue streams from these businesses that will ultimately lighten the burden on every person in this county, while also providing somewhere close to home to make a good living and provide for their families. The people of this county can’t afford, nor should they have to afford, the cover the tax implications that come along with more infrastructure. Such as more Fire/EMS/Law Enforcement, more schools etc.… I would ensure that while we are welcoming place to bring profitable business, we first take care of the folks who call this place home every day.
Increased economic growth is projected to cause a population boom as well, many of whom will need middle- to low-income housing. How do you think the county should address its looming affordable housing problem?
We need to first start by making sure that we make decisions for the people of the county that do not add more citizens the list of people who fall into that category. With the median home price in our county now at $600,000. More and more people will start falling into the category of needing affordable housing. Rising tax rates will not alleviate this, it will only escalate this. We need to have a board that can reach out to state leaders and show the need for state funding to help us build affordable housing, in all areas of the county. At first glance of a broad overview of our county it will not appear we need the state funding. But we do. And with the coming population increase that need will grow. And if we do not watch out for our citizens and control, and or, lower the taxes, the need will grow beyond what is expected. Most people in this county can not afford to carry the financial burden of paying for the poor planning of our leaders through rising taxes and regulations.