Board approves budget and $85 million bond proposal; hears public comment on rezoning


Dollar signs abounded at Monday night’s Chatham Board of Commissioners meeting, during which the board officially approved the county’s 2021-2022 budget and accepted a limited obligation bond proposal worth $85 million.

The Board also heard public discourse on several development projects, including two subdivision plats and a rezoning for a proposed 55-and-older community near U.S. Hwy. 15-501.

Debate over proposed development

Travis Blake, a developer representing Herndon Farms One LLC, presented a rezoning request to the board for a 161-unit development on U.S. Hwy. 15-501 for adults aged 55 and older. In addition to 92 single family dwellings, 16 duplexes, 34 detached rowhomes and 19 townhomes, the 97.86-acre proposed project would include both indoor and outdoor event space, community gardens, a pasture and a congregate care facility.

Zoning Administrator Planner Angela Plummer, speaking for county staff, expressed reservations with several aspects of the Herndon Farms plan. The placement of a bus stop and lack of on-street parking recorded in plans for the project were of concern, as was the availability of affordable housing.

“The applicant is proposing a payment in lieu of affordable housing,” Plummer told commissioners. “This continues to be requested, and the county never sees any actual affordable housing made available to its citizens.”

In a Fiscal Impact Analysis document accompanying its presentation, Herndon Farms listed a “payment-in-lieu” contribution of $80,500 and categorized it under “one-time revenues.” That figure represents one $500 affordable housing charge per each unit in the 161-unit development.

Perhaps the most controversial part of the meeting stemmed from Blake’s proposal to rezone a one-acre plot of land separated from the residential area of the development by Hwy. 15-501. The purpose of the rezoning proposal, which would reclassify the land as “IL Light Industrial,” was to build a wastewater treatment plant in that area.

“The plant itself will be two pieces of equipment that will be 50 ft. long, 18 ft. wide and 12 ft. high. That’s it. That’s all the room they take up,” Blake said.

Chatham residents took the podium to express concerns about the wastewater treatment plant’s proximity to the Briar Chapel development.

“The proposed location of the wastewater treatment plant is sandwiched between the Oak Island community and Briar Chapel, just north of the power easement near Briar Chapel’s veranda and public walking trails,” Chatham resident Liz Rolison told the board. “I think most of us would agree that placing a regional wastewater treatment plant a mere 500 to 700 feet from open-air dining is just not a good plan.”

Blake countered concerns, noting that the project is “not meant to be a regional wastewater treatment plant,” and telling community members, “You won’t see the plant. ... You won’t hear it, you won’t smell it.”

But speakers at the meeting seemed unsure, citing past difficulties with wastewater management within Briar Chapel and asking the board to act.

“Issues with the Briar Chapel wastewater treatment plant have been widely publicized, even as they are expanding to double capacity …,” said Briar Chapel resident Patricia Van Hoy. “[Herndon Farms has] conveniently located the plant and spray fields away from their development to the front of Briar Chapel, and next to eating establishments and neighboring subdivisions.”

The board ultimately voted to extend the public hearing period on the development — and the wastewater plant — until its next meeting on July 19.

Bond proposal

The board also unanimously approved a limited obligation bond proposal. The financing, which would come in at around $85 million, would go toward building and equipping the Chatham County Schools Central Services Building and an Emergency Operations Center.

A chunk of the financing would also be used to help refinance part of the county’s existing debt, but the new interest rate after refinancing isn’t yet known.

2021-2022 budget

The board also unanimously voted to approve the county’s 2021-2022 budget at the Monday night meeting.

Anticipated expenditures in the budget include approximately $55 million to Chatham County Schools, $17 million to the Sheriff’s Department and $11 million to Social Services. The budget also includes a 3 percent pay increase for the County Manager, Register of Deeds, Sheriff and Board of Commissioners, noting that the salary increase is “consistent with the increases that County employees will receive.”

Still, the economic divide between Chatham’s eastern side and western section seemed evident to newly-elected county commissioner Franklin Gomez.

“I want to support the board in their efforts … you all also help with the growth efforts and future developments over in the [western part of the county],” Gomez said. “… I know this entire board has committed time to the west, whether it’s mentorships or volunteering to nonprofits that serve the west. I’m very thankful for you all, and I hope we can continue these efforts here in Chatham County to address growth not only in the east but potentially future growth in the west.”

Commissioner Karen Howard also addressed the economic differences across the county.

“It’s sometimes difficult to accept that a lot of money goes where there are a lot of people, when it means that a part of a community that doesn’t have as many people looks like it’s not getting enough,” she said. “But we have certainly been very mindful of that … and [county staff] has been very mindful of that ... you don’t necessarily need to have the same playing field, but the playing field should be equitable and fair.”

Howard also proposed that the board recognize June 19th as “Juneteenth” and designate it as an official holiday within Chatham County. All three commissioners at the meeting — Howard, Gomez and board Chairperson Mike Dasher — voted in favor of the resolution.

The resolution reads, in part, “Residents and employees are encouraged to take the day to reflect and take action to advance freedom and equality.”

In addition, the board approved several fireworks displays — including one at the Governor’s Club on July 4 — and approved a plethora of appointments to local committees like the Library Advisory Committee, Affordable Housing Advisory Committee and Transportation Advisory Committee.