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Great explanation of this topic. Since the town has no additional sewer capacity to grant right now this much higher fee (whatever the board decides precisely) won't affect new housing or businesses outside of Chatham Park--those areas of Chatham Park sending wastewater to CPI's new sewage plant near Eubanks Rd.

However I'd like to clarify this paragraph in case anyone is confused.

"The proposed maximum SDF recommended, according to the January report, is slightly over $39,000 for both sewer and water use — the current rate is $4,200 — with current the water use rate being $5.51 per gallon for water use and $6.16 per gallon for sewer."

That per gallon water $ figure and per gallon wastewater $ figure is the basis for calculating this SDF one-time fee for new connections and is nothing to do with water rates--for existing or new customers.

From: Pittsboro to hold hearing on system development fee increase

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