“This tradition dates back to my days as a building principal when I would annually ride the bus to meet students and families in the community,” Jackson said. “Since becoming a superintendent in 2008, I have ridden to the school with a kindergartener each year. There is nothing like experiencing and seeing a new school year through the eyes of a 5-year-old kindergartener.”
On Monday, the first day of school in Chatham County, Jackson rode bus No. 35 from Pittsboro Elementary until it came to a stop where Lola Parks was waiting with her family to get on the school bus for her first day of kindergarten.
The superintendent exited the bus to speak with the Parks family and then rode with her to school Monday morning.
They both made a new friend that day. They talked about her summer, her family and friends. They also talked about school and riding the bus.
Once all the kids had been picked up along the bus route and the school bus parked at the school, Jackson held Lola’s hand as he walked her to Ms. Elizabeth Sturdivant’s kindergarten classroom.
“Kindergarten students see the possibilities, they see opportunities, and for many of them, they are realizing their first educational milestone — going to ‘big school,’” Jackson said. “It is always a pleasure, experience and an honor to share this very special day with a student and their family. We are so very fortunate in Chatham County to have supportive and engaged parents who recognize the importance of the school and community connection.”